Friday, October 16, 2009


Why on earth does someone who is being investigated in an ethics probe think she has a chance at being the next president? This is my big question whenever I hear something about Sarah Palin in the news. When you read about her career you realize that it is just marked by controversy in relationship to abuse of power.
There are many different examples as to why she should just disappear from the limelight. Many of them are for abuse of power as public officer in Alaska. She fired a librarian when she was mayor of Wasilla, for her role in refusing to censor some books in the library. She has been investigated for having fired a commissioner for not firing her ex-brother-in-law. There are investigations due to the role the company her husband works for in relation with the gas pipe line to be built in Alaska. To make matters worse she resigned as Governor of Alaska, with no substantial reason given. Not to mention that I am morally opposed to some of the points she stands for, such as teaching abstinence (not that I don't think abstinence is something that should be taught, but she opposes teaching safe-sex and other things that should be considered as well). She is in favor of book censorship, and pro-guns.
I believe that when we consider someone for president they should be ready to ethically resolve the matters in the country, if not it's just a dictator in the making. They should reflect and respect the people in the country and show that they can but personal convictions aside and reflect the nations wishes, not make choices based on someone divorcing their sister. Although I would love to see a woman in the White House, I don't believe she stands for our gender, she led Alaska like a high-school click and if you did not agree with the popular girl, you were kicked out. Lastly, if she could not stay in office as governor for about one more year due to ethics probes, how much time will she last as president? She should not be wasting people's time and money. The only "good" thing I think she did was being this controversial, McCain had no chance in winning with her as a running partner. Enough wasting ink and reader's time with including her in the news, all that is happening is that we are feeding her ego and she may actually believe she has a chance at becoming president.


  1. It's funny how I almost choose her as well to write about, but then choose Michael Vick instead. I completely agree with you on your points. She abuses her power, and seems to not know much about the politics she engages in. She acts like she is in high school, and just wants people to like her, not do what is right for society. It's funny and odd how she is in favor of book censorship, which is decreasing the right to freedom of expression, but also pro-gun. If she had become vice president, I believe our society would have had a huge downfall.

  2. I like how you compared her to a high school girl. I agree with you completely. To me it was sad to see how many women were willing to vote for McCain because he had a women backing him. She would have become some random trivia question if it weren't for her running for vice president. She needs to just go away quietly but I guess some people can't understand when the time to shine is up.

  3. Hi Josephina! This is a nice political point. I agree what you said, it is totally true. I don’t think Sarah Palin is smart enough to be a vice president of this country. I can believe she said that Africa is a country .she did really waste her time also, people’s money.good job.

  4. Joesphina, you made a good point about Sarah Palin. Good thing she is not in office anymore. David said that it was sad to see people voting McCain because he had a woman backing him up. I agree with what he said. When ever Palin spoke during the election I did not understand what she was talking about. Sarah did not represent woman properly. Well done.

  5. I totally agree with all the things you said. Good thing we do not have to worry about her now that would of been a nightmare in the white house.

  6. when it comes to politics and gun control I don't think we agree on much. One thing we do agree on is that Sarah Palin was a poor choice for a running mate.

  7. Yes i think Sarah Palin was not a good VP choice too.She either has a way of talking about issues like she doesn't really know much about them or she just didnt know much about a lot of issues.

  8. "Enough wasting ink and reader's time with including her in the news, all that is happening is that we are feeding her ego and she may actually believe she has a chance at becoming president."

    Interesting - so the media buzz around a person can actually egg them on?
